
The Future of the Energy Industry: Digital Transformation with Tasker

The Future of the Energy Industry: Digital Transformation with Tasker Like all industries in the 21st century, the energy industry is evolving rapidly due to changing global regulatory environments and unpredictable market conditions. Most crucial is the time-sensitive need for decarbonization (replacing high-carbon generation) in the next three decades with new and innovative technologies. This concerns

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What is Correspondence Management?

What is Correspondence Management? Correspondence management occurs in all organizations. To function, organizations must engage in correspondence to perform critical daily functions.  Correspondence is how work is assigned, initiated, and completed; it is the communication used to get work done. In general terms, correspondence includes letters, faxes, invoices, memorandums, requests for information, project design reviews, agendas,

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Tasker Tips and Tricks: Creating A Tasker Button in Microsoft Outlook

With the release of Tasker Version 2.7, setting up tasks in Tasker is as simple as sending an email—literally! Email was our #1 competitor, but we figured out a way to utilize email to our advantage and incorporate it into our processes. Now users can assign a task in Tasker by sending an email in

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